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I am just a silly little bird that takes pictures. Now that I have a good camera, lets see what I can get.

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Twins

The first thing I did when I got the new camera was take pictures of the cats. They are very photogenic so I had little trouble holding them still. Then again, they were half asleep at the time so there was really no trouble to start with. The first two are of Jeremiah (Jerry) and the last two are of Jethro

f/5           ISo-160            1/250 sec
Taken with Sony Cyber-Shot Hx100v

Unfortanatly, the file was overwritten a few times and I lost the shutter data and such
Taken with Sony Cyber-Shot Hx100v
F/3.5      ISO-800     1/8 sec
Taken with Sony Cyber-Shot Hx100v
 F/3.5      1/10 Sec     ISO-800
Taken with Sony Cyber-Shot Hx100v

1 comment:

  1. I love them all! Jerry looks like quite the mischievous one, while Jethro seems to me more relaxed.

    But seeing as how they are feline, I can only assume that they have the powers to kill despite their adorable, fuzzy looks.
