About Me

My photo
I am just a silly little bird that takes pictures. Now that I have a good camera, lets see what I can get.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

So Many

I have SOOO many photos I have to post! My memory card hates me right now for how full it is. I will be on winter break starting Monday so I can resize them next week and post them. They wont have a water mark oon them BUT THEY ARE STILL MINE!

Most of my shots are at night of the lights so there really isn't a way I can mark them cleanly. I hate to not have a mark on them but I don't want to deny you the photos.

Please keep that in mind. Don't be a *&^&$% and try to pass them off as your own. They may not be the best but they are mine and I am proud of them. See you next week!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Haunted Harbor--avoid at all cost

The mazes were fun however don't waste your money. It was about 5 mazes that took all of an hour to get through. That was even having to wait in line since they only let small groups in at a time. I didn't bother with the food and other then that, it was boring as hell.

Whats more--they are inconsistant with their policys, overly critical and all around have bad attitudes. I can be treated better with prison supervisors then those clowns. After having to empty pockets (understandable) and the men getting a pat down (I didn't see a girl get a pat down) I was told that what I had on was considered a costume and I had to take off my make-up. They were afraid I was going to be mistaken for one of the cast. The cast had on full zombie makeup and dripped with fake blood. I had on black and white eye liner with an Anubis curl. That was it. No lipstick even. Just the liner. My outfit? A black knee length dress with three silver buckles. It is a gothic kind of dress that I wear out in public. I understand the rules say no costume, but where does it say "No goths with extra eye liner".

What is more astounding--after we cleaned my makeup off and convinced them that I was not in a costume, we managed to get in only to spot the Sexy Mad Hatter, Princess Peach, Sexy Pirate and a Greecean Goddess waltzing around enjoying the food. How did they get in? Who knows, but they had on costumes and all that fun makeup when the rules clearly stated "No costume". I wish I could have gotten pictures of them but there was so much fog pumped into the small area that you couldn't see three feet in front of you let along get a clear shot. Needless to say, the only way I would go back would be if they payed me and one of those sexy girls told me how they managed to sneak in through the front--the goddess was three people ahead of us in line the first go round.

The Queen Mary Haunted Harbor is a waste of time and money.

I did, however, love my stay on the ship. The room was cozy, had a great view and was very comfortable. I will be posting pictures within the next few days. I have to watermark them and pick out the best. Hopw everyone had a better Halloween then I did!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Costume contest?!

I entered a costume contest on SuperheroStuff.com's FaceBook page.

What have I done?!

If you want to see some of the pictures you can go here:

SuperHeroStuff's Page

If you have a costume or cosplay you want to submit, tell your friends to like the page and check out the official info and prizes. Happy Halloween everyone!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Disney Halloween

This past Monday I had a chance to go to Disney. I didn't get a lot of shots, but I did manage a few that looked just dandy. I am not used to charging a camera yet so it sort of...died. If you would like, though, here are a few of the memories from the trip.

The first shot of the day. I liked how the sun was shining and decided to take this sot. I love palm trees.

You got it! It is, in fact, Halloween time! I tried this shot over ten times and was photo bombed every time. This is still one of my favorites even if I can't crop it out.

I am not sure where in Disney this is but it looked pretty.
I have love how toony ToonTown is. Disney has some real magic going on in there.

In my bias opinion, Tomorrow Land is the best in the park. Now that Star Tours is back? Bring it on.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Subject Woes

I don't think a lot of people realize how hard it is to work with cats for subject matter. They are finicky, fast and restless.

For example: When trying to get a lighting shot like this,

I had to put up with him shaking his head, moving, twitcing, cleaning, sneezing on my camera and in general looking at me like:

Moving on. I wanted to capture him with the white screen behind him to bring out his colors like this:

yet he decided he was going to catch dust particles first.
Long cat is long

Then of course we have the King of the Hill moment I thought was cute:

He, on the other hand, thought his space was being invaded:


I was glad, however, that after everything was said and done, he provided me with some after shoot entertainment.

I keel you!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Test Shots

So I was messing with some of the features on my camera since I have never had them before. The following are test shots. These shots either tested a low light situation, perspective, angle or any number of things. Not all the shots worked and I will explain what I liked and didn't about each one. Please keep in mind, these are not glamor shots so don't expect any wow factor.

Ok, this one was a test of an average light situation without the flash. I wanted to see what it would do to his eyes in this case. I like how they came out as natural green instead of Green Lantern green. I also like how the camera picked up on the texture of the blanked.

This was a test of low light with the flash. The light was from behind me and to the side while there was no back lighting. Like the first image, His eyes are slightly more green with the flash then without it but because there was some natural light it doesn't look Green Lantern. The camera did pick up on the texture of the carpet, which was cool. I like the angel on this one as it kept his eyes from grabbing the light of the flash.

I was testing angels here. I used the flash with an average lighting situation and it put to much light on the pole of the perch. I like that I can see the family photos in the background but would have liked it much better if I had been facing them more directly and had changed the depth of field to blur them out a bit.

This was fun to try and catch! I first turned off the flash in the low light situation and when he moved his paws all I had was a blur. I turned the flash back on and ended up drowning him out. At the same time, I managed to catch his paws like they were holding still and at the same time get him licking his lips. Not the best shot but amusing to look at all the same.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lego Land

My first trip with my camera was Lego Land. I had never been there before and was super excited to get pictures of all the Star Wars Legos. Of course, I love plants and had to stop along the way and snap shots ot the flowers. I can't post all 510 pictures so here is a smattering of my top picks from the trip. Oddly enough, most are plant life. Mmmmm....

f/4      ISO-100      1/1250 sec
Taken with Sony Cyber-shot Hx100v

f/4      1/250 sec      ISO-400
Taken with Sony Cyber-shot Hx100v
 f/5       1/250 sec       ISO-500
Taken with Sony Cyber-shot Hx100v
 f/5       1/250 sec      ISO-600
Taken with Sony Cyber-shot Hx100v
 f/4      1/320 sec      ISO-100
Taken with Sony Cyber-shot Hx100v
Quote the Duck:
"OMG, look! It is Medieval Batman!"

f/4.5      1/1250 sec      ISO-100
Taken with Sony Cyber-shot Hx100v
f/2.8       1/1600 sec     ISO-100
Taken with Sony Cyber-shot Hx100v
 f/4        1/1250 sec     ISO-100
Taken with Sony Cyber-shot Hx100v
and at the end of the day, Miss Sassy Pants got her picture with Mr. Grumpy Pants.
 f/2.8     1.1250 sec     ISO-100

Monday, September 5, 2011


Tonight was a bittersweet moment. I have officially closed my DeviantArt account. I have been with them for years but I feel the love affair was one sided and it was time to break it off. I saved the files I know I no longer had on this computer and deleted the rest. It was a bit painful to do while exciting as well. I found pictures I had drawn that I had forgotten about as well as spotted pictures I had taken years ago. I think I have fallen back in love with my "art" and my amateurish photos. Here are a few gems I dug up. I hate splashing watermarks across my work, but it is far to easy these days to steal and crop our a signature.

I was having a bad time when I made this. It seemed that everyone of my friends needed advice, a shoulder or a sounding board. That whole month was hell. The next month, when I was the one that needed help, very few returned the favor. I created this and sent it to anyone that bugged me for the next 6 weeks (unless they were one of the few that helped me when I needed it)

I made this for a friend of mine! You have no idea how long this took me to get right. It was created using colored pencil and a black fine point sharpie.

Ah, London! I was on a bus and we pulled up to a stop sign when I snapped this. This is one of the few good shots my old camera managed to catch correctly. I know the file is huge but if I shrink it then the compression kills a lot of the detail. Sorry.

Please remember, all art from this blog is copyright, has a watermark and should not be used, taken or manipulated in any way without the express permission from the artist. Thank you

The Twins

The first thing I did when I got the new camera was take pictures of the cats. They are very photogenic so I had little trouble holding them still. Then again, they were half asleep at the time so there was really no trouble to start with. The first two are of Jeremiah (Jerry) and the last two are of Jethro

f/5           ISo-160            1/250 sec
Taken with Sony Cyber-Shot Hx100v

Unfortanatly, the file was overwritten a few times and I lost the shutter data and such
Taken with Sony Cyber-Shot Hx100v
F/3.5      ISO-800     1/8 sec
Taken with Sony Cyber-Shot Hx100v
 F/3.5      1/10 Sec     ISO-800
Taken with Sony Cyber-Shot Hx100v

The Start of Something new

When you saw "Little Red Bird" just who were you expecting?

Welcome to my little slice of the world. I never really had a good camera so I began to hate taking pictures. That is a very sad thing considering how much I loved taking pictures when I had someone elses' camera. Thanks to a bit of luck and a lot of saving, I now have a good camera that will take clear shots. I don't have any photo editing software so any shot I take is what I get.

Please keep in mind:

Any images appearing on this website are subject to copyright laws and ownership is retained by the photographer. Watermarks will be used after this post.